Albies with Captain jake

I had a note from Captain Jake Jordan. He had just been through the huge rain and flooding in NC and finally got out to have a look for some fishing action. Here’s his report:

Until about a week ago when the bad weather arrived, we had a great September of fly fishing, we caught hundreds of Spanish Mackerel, lots of Bluefish, and dozens of Albies. Spending 9 days without fishing was very hard on my mood swings, (Good thing I have Mom to cheer me up) so I was happy when Joe Shute called and suggested that we should go exploring today to look for Albies and also to check out the bait situation. Joe and I  traveled close to 30 miles this morning aboard Fly Reel, looking for bait, birds, and fish. The wind is blowing North East at 10 to 15 and the close in seas were calm, we found lots of dirty water, lots of bait, some birds, some spanish, Bluefish and a few Albies. Sunny beautiful weather with 49 degrees at dawn and 70 degrees air temperature at 11 AM when we quit. The water temperature was between 71 and 75 degrees today and it looks like the season is ready to explode with red hot Fly Fishing for Drum.

Our prime time season for this fishery is from now through the end off November, I still have a few select dates available for Albie charters. If you want to experience one of the best fish in the ocean on fly tackle, give me a call and come join me for some awesome fun? Available Dates as of right now: October: 7, 11, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and November, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29.  I love my Job, Lets go fishing, wish you were here, reports to follow soon.

Captsin Jake with a really nice albacore.

Birds bustin' bait.

Albacore bustin' bait. The baitfish haven't got a chance.