Archive for the ‘Fall Salmon in the Lake States’ Category

Cohos and Steelies

My fishing, knife making, guitar building, composer, musician friend, John Beth, just sent some photos of cohos and steelhead that he caught just a couple of days ago on a Lake Michigan Tributary. The kings and cohos were winding down, but the browns have not yet made it into the rivers here. We did get […]

Fall Salmon 2011 Day 4

Day 4 dawned with rain and high winds, and the promise of much more to come. I headed back to the section where the kings had been so cooperative last evening. They were still abundant but amazingly subdued. In fact, they hardly reacted to the fly. It must have been a busy night because they […]

Fall Salmon 2011 Day 3

Day three started with rain—off and on from midnight to about 6 am. It was strictly incidental and without any accumulation. As a consequence the river stayed low and clear. The early part of the day was cold but without too much wind. The wind picked up about noontime and by 4 pm was blowing […]

Fall Salmon 2011 Day 2

The day started early, and I was on the water just after daylight. The fish were moving, but not to my fly; not until I changed locations. Then they were after my fly, and continued to be after it for the rest of the day. The first several hours were an average salmon day: a […]

Fall Salmon 2011 Day 1

The day dawned very windy and ended very windy. However, the sky was blue from corner to corner and the fish were at least a bit cooperative. Even though I’m on the downside of the king run this year, I took a couple of them early in the day, and then saw my friend Lou […]

John’s Giant Killers

I received a question about John Beth’s bunny flies and his other “giant killers” that he uses for Lake Michigan tributary salmon, browns, and steelhead. The question asks: “Hello! Do these flies ride hook up or hook down? I see the eyes on top of the hook (like a clouser) so I would think they […]

Biggest Brown

Yesterday was the last day in a series of warmer that normal days for November in Wisconsin, and John Beth, Doc Zavadsky and I met on one of our favorite Wisconsin tributary streams to search for browns. I was up at 3am, on the road by 4am and casting by 6:30am. Right away I had […]

Coho Update

This is a note from my fishing friend, John Beth, who was chasing trout and salmon last week. I found a few coho when we first got there, and went 3 for 4. But they were nowhere to be found by early afternoon. There was, however, an abundance of kings. Every area that we normally […]

The Salmon Trip is Complete

The last two and one-half days have raced by. The third day of the trip, Duane and I explored more areas that we had not fished before, and re-worked areas that we had fished on days one and two. The fish were not super cooperative (when are they ever?), but we did manage 8 landed […]

First Fish, Last Fish

Our second day of the salmon trip dawned clear, and the pile jackets felt good against the cold of the early morning. The day was to warm considerable; so much so, in fact ,that by mid-afternoon it was short-sleeve weather. As is always the case with salmon, the first hour after dawn was the best. […]