Fishing the Film Chapters

Front cover of the soon-to-be released "Fishing the Film."

Front cover of the soon-to-be released "Fishing the Film."

Here’s the “official” chapter list for our forthcoming book, Fishing the Film (currently planned to be out June 2010):

1. Fishing the Film
2. The Fish’s Window
3. The Universal Emerger
4. Feeding at the Film
5. Casting for Drag
6. Mending for Drag
7. Fishing Dead Drift
8. Action Film
9. Film-Fly Design Concepts
10. What, When, Where, Why and How

The book is tuned to have “something for everyone,” from those who want some core ideas about fishing the film to those who want to expand their thought processes in more detailed ways. The “film-fly design” aspects are not just for tyers, but also for those who buy their film flies and want to have a better understanding of what they’re looking at in the bins. The book (indeed all the upcoming books) is well salted with fishing stories/examples to keep the flavor from getting too “how-to” bland. Indeed, by the time this whole book series is done, I think I will have practically written my fly-fishing memoirs, making the books in this series not only useful, but also somewhat entertaining as well.