Int. Fly Tying Symposium New Venue 2013

In years past, the International Fly Tying Symposium was held in the ballroom of the Doubletree Hotel in Somerset, New Jersey. This year, because of scheduling conflicts, it had to be moved to the New Jersey Convention Center, just next door. This is the same facility in which the Somerset Fly Fishing Show is held in late January.

There was a resounding agreement among tyers and vendors that the new venue is outstanding and produced a far better show than those held in the Doubletree. As a consequence, show owner and manager, Chuck Furimsky, has decided to hold the 2013 show in the Garden State Convention Center, and expand it to include more spaces for vendors and tyers.

This year, unlike any other year, Chuck was able to install a casting pond at the Int. Fly Tying Symposium, allowing consumers to try out rods, and where casting demonstrations could be held. The pond was a great success, and will be back in 2013.

If you’re a fly tyer, and you’ve never attended this show, get it on your calendar and plan on being there in 2013. It will be well worth your time.

Check out the details of the 2013 Fly Fishing Shows at

The casting pond is a new addition to the International Fly Tying Symposium.

This year I used a Hardy Zenith rod for the casting demos. It perfomed admirably.