Halloween on the Fly

I’m off tomorrow for Tucson to speak to the annual Halloween on the Fly program put on by the Old Pubelo TU chapter. Looks like it will be a fun time for all. If you nearby, come on over and enjoy the day’s activities with us.


  1. John Murphy says:

    Hi Gary. It was great having you here. The casting instruction gave me some excellent pointers and your presentations were superb. Sorry about the projector. I brought it to the office today and it fired right up using my computer – Oh Well. When you head to New Zealand next time if you will be in the Dunedin or Lumsden areas give my friend Simon Chu a shout. He’s a great guy and fanatic fly angler. simon.chu@otago.ac.nz

  2. Gary Borger says:

    Thanks John. Great to meet you and chat about fly fishing in NZ. Simon will be surprised at your new casting skills, and the NZ trout will never be the same.
