The Next Generation

I was greatly saddened by the death of my friend, Hans Aigner (see post below), but I received an email from Theo Bakelaar with photos of his young friend, who is 12 years old, and absolutely in love with fly fishing. He goes to Theo’s house several times a week for fly tying lessons, and get a chance now and then to fish with Theo. Last week Theo was fishing with his young friend, and Theo caught a very fine brook trout on a cane rod and size 20 buzzer (midge imitation). Then the young man, not to be outdone, used Theo’s rod, and caught a real horse of a rainbow. Now here is a superb example of the next generation of fly fishers who will guide and direct our matchless sport.


Theo’s rather healthy brook trout.


His young friend with a more than rather healthy rainbow.

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